World Tea Expo 2017

How to Sell & Market Green Teas: The Right Way, The Better Way (Room N247)

14 Jun 17
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Focused Tastings

Focused Tasting: Green teas pose a marketing challenge: their natural simplicity attracts consumers, yet these same consumers may find bland or weak flavors. How do we reconcile this genuine interest with flavor that sometimes disappoints? Tea consumers may talk “green,” but are apt to drink raspberry or strawberry green teas. When juxtaposed this way, how do we present straight green teas in the context they deserve? How do we establish benchmark green teas at various price levels? Fresh 2017 spring green teas will be presented for visual inspection and cupping, to illustrate the relationship between leaf form and taste, and to gain insights into the tea maker’s intent.