HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

The Current and Future State of HR Tech for the Middle Market (Room Venetian Ballroom C & D)

In 2016, #HRWins’ Future of HR Technology research exposed that employers with less than 5,000 employees, commonly referred to as the "middle market," are adopting HR technology across the spectrum at accelerating rates. The middle market is by far the largest segment of employers. As they continue to innovate in HR and HR technology, they are having an increasing impact on the future direction of tech innovation. George LaRocque will reveal the 2017 #HRWins Future of Technology research results including a high-level walk-through of valuable insights to be gleaned. He’ll be joined by a panel of top HR officers from middle market employers that are driving the innovating #HRWins continues to discover in this thriving market segment. If you’re an HR leader from a small or mid-size organization, you’ll leave with a better understanding of the market for HR tech solutions as well as how you can make more informed technology decisions for your organization.