2016 Homeland Security Conference

Small Business Panel: Integrated Technologies for Border Security (Room Atrium Hall)

Approved for 1 GIAC CPE

Technology plays an increasingly significant role in border security and in facilitating the movement of people and things across the border.  It helps detect and characterize potentially illicit activities at or near the border, integrates data to create actionable information about risk or threats, enhances agent and officer safety and effectiveness, reduces delays for movement of cargo and people, protects our economy and people from counterfeit and harmful products, and reinforces other national and economic priorities.  Small business participation in technology development and acquisition can offer opportunities for innovation as well as support the kind of job creation offered by a healthy small business community.  However, it is often difficult for small businesses to break into the market for significant technology procurements.  This session will examine:

  •          Technology needs and opportunities in the border security environment
  •          Barriers to small business participation in the market
  •          Government perceptions of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks associated with small business
  •          Mechanisms designed to encourage and support small business participation in the Homeland Security and Border Security market