FETC 2018

Transforming a Middle School from Frontierland to Tomorrowland (Room Booth 1100)

Learn how Elizabeth Forward Middle School (EFMS) transformed a school environment that looked very similar to Frontierland and in eight short years into a school that looks more like Tomorrowland. Elizabeth Forward School District is a K-12 public school located 20 miles from Pittsburgh, PA. EFMS is a Digital Promise League of Innovative School and also recognized by Apple as a Distinguished Program. Hear about The DREAM Factory, where students can design and make anything they choose while integrating art, computer science and technology. Learn about the SMALLab, where kinesthetic learning enhances deeper understanding. See how EFMS partnered with Carnegie Mellon University to develop an Energy Lab where students are learning in a Disney-like space. Learn how a traditional library can transform into an iCreate Studio. Finally, hear about the 1:1 iPad initiative. Spaces were created where students can let their imagination take them places they could only dream of…