NACE | CARS 2016

Service Repair Leadership Forum

11 Aug 16
7:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: Service Repair Leadership Forum 2016

7:00 AM: Private Breakfast
8:00 AM: Forum
12:00 PM: Private Strolling Lunch

The Service Repair Leadership Forum (SRLF) is a forum comprised of the leadership from all industry segments in the automotive service repair industry and features a series of panel discussions and presentations intended to facilitate open discussion and exploration of the most important topics affecting the service repair segment of the industry.

Attendees include the very best minds in the industry, from the engineer of the part to the individual who diagnoses and replaces it. SRLF is open to all individuals and companies interested in advancing in the automotive industry and provides an opportunity to discuss issues, share knowledge, network with decision makers, and gain insight into the future of the industry.