"Olive Oil Production Expected to Decrease Significantly in Spain"- Olive Oil Times

With statsitcs for the 2019 olive harvest not looking promising for the world' s largest producer of olive oil, what does this mean to you? Well, it doesn't take much figuring out to realize you're in for legal robbery if you aren't careful of how you go about sourcing your olive oil. It's main stream news now, that most of the olive oil sold on the shelf (well over 80%) labelled "extra-virgin" is actually mixed with other oils and agents.This is so due in part to unethical behaviour within the trade but more so due to an increasingly diminishing crop yield in the region over recent years linked to disease plague and unfavorable climate. With dwindling production of the real stuff, suppliers are now even more motivated to dilute your extra-vrigin olive oil in order to meet demand. This is exactly why the Harmouche Family  launched the Gem of Lebanon brand, so you get exactly what you pay for, truly authentic extra-virign olive oil- from our farm to your table.