2019 NY NOW® Winter


Products (12)

The MoMeMans® Leon Print

Build a story wall with the MoMeMans over a crib or bed. It'll give you something to read while you're trying to get that little person, who should... More...

The MoMeMans® Barbara Toddler-Chic Sherpa Blanket

This blanket has two goals: To be super soft and snuggly with it's double sided goodness of minky and sherpa while staying stylish through the year... More...

The MoMeMans® Barbara Birdie Pencil Case

Nothing is more fun than a cute pencil case. Speaking from when I was a kid and still as an adult. Make a kid and/or yourself smile and get a cute ... More...

The MoMeMans® Letter P Print

Plenty of pals love the letter P: Peter, Parker, Paige, Pax, Patrick and Patricia. Paloma, Paul, Paola and Pablo. Penelope, Pippenger and even Peeka. More...

The MoMeMans® Hi, Five Greeting Card

There's always someone out there who needs a high five. And Five is your guy to give it. Whether it's high fiving someone for something outstanding... More...

The MoMeMans® Pete + Pete Velveteen Pillow

Teach the Letter P sound with Pete + Pete during story time with a super lux velveteen pillow kids and grown-up kids can appreciate leaning back on... More...

The MoMeMans® Signature Velveteen Pillow

Super lux velveteen pillow kids and grown-up kids can use for leaning back on hard bed frames, cuddling on the couch or sitting on the floor while ... More...

The MoMeMans® Ulysses Ulinsky Sherpa Blanket

Inspired by The MoMeMans ZYX Project. Teach baby the sound of the Letter U with Unicamel Ulysses Ulinsky and his unfortunate umbrella, Urstella, wh... More...

The MoMeMans® Quinn + Quinlan Baby Sherpa Blanket

Inspired by The MoMeMans ZYX Project. Teach baby the sound of the Letter Q with Quinn and Quinlan as they quibble about the quirks of quicksand, wh... More...

The MoMeMans® Olinda + Omar Baby Sherpa Blanket

Inspired by The MoMeMans ZYX Project. Teach baby the sound of the Letter O with Officers Olinda and Omar outbound on the Olinar, while baby snuggle... More...

The MoMeMans® Pete + Pete Baby Sherpa Blanket

Inspired by the MoMeMans ZYX Project. Teach baby the sound of the Letter P with Pete, the prized puppeteer, plus Pete, his puppet pal and parakeet,... More...

The MoMeMans® Signature Baby Sherpa Blanket

Tell stories about The MoMeMans while baby snuggles in their super luxurious minky teddy bear sherpa blanket. They get to learn it's ok to make mis... More...