Petfood Forum 2019

EMSL Analytical, Inc. 

Booth 203

Cinnaminson, NJ  
      United States

EMSL Analytical, Inc.’s pet food business is rapidly growing. EMSL is a flexible, customer-driven laboratory network that is not afraid to invest in technologies to support cutting-edge services. EMSL has over 35 years of testing experience, A2LA accreditation, and a drive to provide personalized quality testing services.

Our network testing capabilities include:

  • Chemistry: proximate and nutritional testing

  • Microbiology: indicator and pathogen testing

  • Special Projects: challenge and shelf-life studies

  • FDA Detain Sampling and Analysis

  • Whole Genome Sequencing Capabilities

  • Nutritional Analysis and Labeling

That is just a taste of what we can do … with 10 pet food testing locations in the U.S. and Canada, we are closer than you think. We know pet food. How may we assist you?  800-220-3675

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