2019 NY NOW® Winter

Winterwoods Tea Company 

Winterwoods Tea Company Centennial Chai

Crafted with strong Assam black tea, all ingredients in this custom blend are organic and fair trade grown. Boiled with water, milk and sugar or ho... More...

Winterwoods Tea Company Bee Wrangler

A deep, rich and slightly sweet tea blend with organic bee pollen and maple extract. Bee Wrangler has a unique honey-like flavor. More...

Winterwoods Tea Company Pacific Coast Lavender

Our number one top selling blend, Pacific Coast Lavender is made from northwest grown mint and fragrant lavender. A customer favorite sleepy time tea. More...

Winterwoods Tea Company Inland Grey

A top selling blend, Inland Grey is a fragrant blend of certified organic black tea, bergamot oil, complimented by bright blue cornflowers and orga... More...

Winterwoods Tea Company Mount Hood Hops

A wonderful evening tea, uses Mount Hood variety of hops, medicinally used as a sleep aid. More...