NTI Trade Show 2018

The Fiber Optic Association, Inc. 

Booth 391A

Santa Monica, CA  
      United States

FOA is the international non-profit professional society of fiber optics. FOA has been a supporter of IBEW/NECA/NJATC/eTA training for more than two decades, offering TTT courses at NTI, FOA curriculum and assistance to those training the workforce in fiber optics and cabling.  FOA certifications are recognized worldwide as the gold standard for fiber optic competence in the workforce. 

FOA has a giant online guide to fiber optics and cabling (www.foaguide.org), free online self-study programs at Fiber U (fiberu.org) and more than 100 videos on YouTube (channel "thefoainc"). FOA also publishes its own textbooks on basic fiber optics, premises cabling, OSP fiber optics, OSP installation and fiber optic network design, including the basic fiber optics book also in Spanish and French.

FOA provides complete training curriculum free to our affiliated training organizations including many JATCs. 

Learn more about the FOA.