International Cheese Technology Expo 2018


Booth 1641

Washington, DC  
      United States

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and its constituent organizations—Milk Industry Foundation (MIF), National Cheese Institute (NCI) and International Ice Cream Association (IICA)—work tirelessly to bring needed policy changes through legislation and reduce or eliminate regulatory burdens while building demand and opening new markets for the U.S. dairy industry. Advocating on behalf of the dairy products industry, IDFA offers a strong and unified voice in Washington, D.C., with a focus on issues that challenge the industry’s growth. IDFA staff experts also are available to address the unique needs of individual member companies. Supplier members enjoy enhanced visibility, valuable networking and access to industry resources. Member companies range from large multi-national organizations to single-plant companies, representing more than 85% of the milk, cultured products, cheese, and ice cream produced and marketed in the U.S. and sold throughout the world. Our diverse membership includes numerous food retailers, companies that offer infant formula and milk ingredients. If you’re not a member, stop by to learn what we can do for you.

Product Categories

- Futures and Trading
- News and Publications
- Supplies & Services