International Cheese Technology Expo 2018

Caloris Engineering 

Booth 233

Easton, MD  
      United States

Caloris creates advanced-technology evaporators, membrane systems and dryers for companies that need it done right. Our process systems help you:

  • Process the dairy products and other ingredients your customers rely on

  • Treat the industrial wastewater that could otherwise pollute our streams and rivers

  • Recover product and clean water from waste streams for reuse within processing systems, using zero liquid discharge (ZLD)

  • Accomplish a myriad other industrial tasks for which evaporation, membrane filtration or drying is the most effective option

Whatever the application, Caloris technologies reduce the energy you consume to lower your costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Caloris does all that simply by providing the most expertly engineered evaporation, membrane filtration and drying equipment on the planet.

Product Categories

- Equipment
- Whey Plant/Permeate