Eastern Energy Expo 2017


Randi Busse

Randi Busse
Workforce Development Group

Randi Busse, President of Workforce Development Group, has been helping employees to delight customers for more than 20 years. Her training programs teach employees to "think like an owner, not a renter," yielding rave reviews from her clients, because the culture of their organizations change and their customers rave about them. She's co-author of a book, "Turning Rants Into Raves: Turn Your Customers on Before They Turn on YOU!" written for CEO's business owners and managers that want to improve the experience they are providing to their customers. Randi is a dynamic speaker with the ability to make audiences listen, nod, laugh . . and connect the dots between their own experiences as a customer and how their behaviors and the way their employees treat customers affects their bottom line.

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