F&B NY 2019


John Hanselman

John Hanselman
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Vanguard Renewables

John Hanselman is Chief Executive Officer of Vanguard Renewables; recently named 2018 Organics Recycler of the Year. Vanguard Renewables Farm Powered Anaerobic Digesters produce renewable energy from food waste and farm waste. Hanselman has thirty years of experience in environmental innovation including a Managing Principal and founder of Brightfields, a solar brownfields solutions company and as a Managing Principal of Renova Partners, a national brownfield investment and development company. Hanselman has directed several of the nation’s largest private acquisitions of contaminated properties from Fortune 500 companies. Hanselman has been an invited speaker at Harvard Business School and both MIT's Sloan Business School and Center for Real Estate Development. He has numerous published papers and holds patents in the semiconductor and natural language software areas.

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