World Tea Expo 2017


Julie Pelaez

Julie Pelaez
Certified Health Coach & Yoga Instructor

Julie Peláez (pronounced like Golliath with a P), known simply as “Jules” to family and friends, has an insatiable thirst for life and all of its magnificent offerings. Her deepest desire is to give back to the world and play some role in making it a place where we all can thrive. Years of personal development, study, learning and daily yoga – not to mention plenty of blunders – have led Jules to where is she today. She is grateful to bring her passion for vibrant health, raw food, and personal transformation to the work she does with the Conscious Cleanse. Her intention is to inspire people to journey inward, to discover their truth in service of living a purpose-driven life. Often described by loved ones as free-spirited, passionate, and at times, goofy, Jules brings these qualities to her teachings as a certified Health Coach and a yoga instructor for nearly a decade. She is a proud mama to two young boys, her life’s greatest teachers to date. She strongly believes in the power of intention and our ability to manifest our wildest dreams.

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