2017 Federal Identity Forum & Homeland Security


Richard Brown

Richard Brown
Project Coordinator
Project VIC

Richard W. Brown is the Project Coordinator for a domestic / international child rescue initiative called "Project VIC" Project VIC incorporates the latest technologies to run against the image video libraries to maximize image and video matching and prides itself in using Open Standards supported by standards bodies' instead of proprietary technology. Project VIC has allowed investigators to swiftly process thousands of images and video from seized hard drives on criminal cases and set aside the catalogued images so they can concentrate on rescuing child victims depicted in images never seen before. Richard Brown is from New Jersey (USA) and holds a position at the National Association to Protect Children (Protect.org) and the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children He is a retired Bureau Chief for the New Jersey State Police. He has held positions in the High Technology Crimes Unit, Electronic Surveillance Unit, Training Bureau, and Internal Affairs. Most of his 25 years of law enforcement have been in the capacity of serving technology focused investigations or support of such investigations. Rich has a Graduate Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a concentration in Computer Forensics and Network Security.

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