2017 Federal Identity Forum & Homeland Security


Jim Cole

Jim Cole
Section Chief - Victim Identification
DHS / ICE Homeland Security Investigations

Jim Cole is the Section Chief for Victim Identification at the DHS Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Cyber Crimes Center (C3), Child Exploitation Investigations Unit (CEIU). As a special agent and digital forensic agent, he has been conducting child sexual exploitation investigations for the past 14 years and prior to that was a detective working violent crimes, including child sexual abuse and homicide. In 2011 he stood up DHS HSI’s Victim ID program which conducts image, video, and audio forensics of child abuse imagery with the goal of identifying and rescuing the child victim(s), identifying and apprehending the offender(s), and identifying and locating the crime scene. Through his team’s work, over 500 child victims whose sexual abuse has been memorialized in imagery and video have been identified and rescued. Jim is the Chair of the Interpol Victim Identification Experts Group, an international working group conducting victim identification investigations worldwide. He teaches Adobe Photoshop for Law Enforcement and Victim Identification Methods and Techniques around the world and is a global trainer for INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children Team.

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