F&B NY 2019


Tom Fischer

Tom Fischer

Whiskey expert Tom Fischer is the founder of BourbonBlog.com, the #1 online resource for American whiskey and Bourbon. He is also the co-founder of the first of its kind Whisk(e)y Marketing School and Sommelier program, a 501(c) (3) non-profit in Austin, Texas. As a leading authority, presenter and writer in the spirits industry, Fischer is regularly interviewed by media outlets like CNN, Fox News National, NPR, The Times and the BBC. He hosts whiskey tastings across the globe, consults both major and craft brands, judges spirit competitions, and makes appearances as an expert speaker at festivals and events. Since creating BourbonBlog.com in 2005, Tom and his team have established relationships with the industry and consumers resulting in a strong following on social media including over 106,000 Twitter followers. Additionally, the team has produced hundreds of videos chronicling the rise of Bourbon and American whiskey with millions of views. As a social media entrepreneur, Tom has taught media and marketing at college level in Oxford England and continues to teach at the Whisk(e)y Marketing School in Austin, Texas. Previously, he worked with Dawn Wells, "Mary Ann" from Gilligan's Island, Danny Glover, Steve Martin and Dawn Wells to create SpudFest Family Film and Music Festival in Driggs, Idaho. This led to Fischer to create one of the first Bourbon documentaries of the era which grew into the birth of BourbonBlog.com

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