F&B NY 2019


James Henry Dunne, Esq.

James Henry Dunne, Esq.
Service Dynamics® Guest Satisfaction Solutions

James Henry Dunne, Esq. brings an insightful and well-rounded perspective to his interactive training and lectures. His “edu-taining” style leaves a lasting impression on all that experience his presentations. James has worked at every level of food and beverage operations in several Long Island and New York area restaurants and hotels, starting as a dishwasher at 12 years of age, and then progressing into every position on up the ladder. This all provided a solid foundation that has led to and supports his current work as attorney, consultant, and professor, all dedicated to hospitality operations. He has been a Professor in the School of Management’s Department of Hospitality Studies at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) since 1997. His teaching expertise focuses on Hospitality Business Law, Leadership & Employee Relations, Service Excellence, Operational Cost Controls, Menu Design, Entrepreneurship, and Wine, Beer & Spirits. He has published extensively in trade periodicals and research journals and has been an expert source on local and national radio, TV, internet, and print media. His book, “Service Dynamics: Profitable Hospitality for the New Millennium,” was published by Kendall-Hunt. James is the President of Service-Dynamics®, a consulting group for restaurateurs, providing Menu Design, Strategic Marketing, Decor Design, Employee Manuals, Sales & Service training, and Wine, Beer & Spirits training. James is also a New York attorney and counselor-at-law providing legal support to hospitality small business entrepreneurs for all of their legal needs.

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