
Herbert Looser

Herbert Looser
Professor of Physics
University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Herbert Looser studied Physics at ETH-Zürich and the University of Zürich, where he made his PhD in NMR in 1983 (NMR in superionic conductors). As Postdoc at ETH and then at IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, he worked in the field of Nonlinear Optics, investigating organic materials for second and third harmonic generation. In 1991, he was appointed Professor of Physics at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. At this position, he had many projects in very different fields, as in the field of flow sensors, acoustics (developing sound absorbing glass walls), medical applications (real-time quantification of fluorescence from brain tumours during surgery), and lately in the field of quantum cascade lasers, where he is currently engaged in a project, developing a high sensitivity sensor for multi trace gas analysis. He entered the field of high voltage in 2005 on request of Dr. Bernhard Fruth, to advance existing and develop new instruments for high voltage diagnostics. Currently he serves as scientific consultant of Quartzteq GmbH, Switzerland.

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