Digital Dealer Conference & Expo 26

Managing, Maximizing, and Leading the Most Empowered Generation of All Time (Room W204B)

09 Apr 19
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Tracks: Dealer Ops & Management – ALL, Dealer Ops & Management (Hiring / Retention), Dealer Ops & Management (Leadership), Sales / Variable Ops (ALL), Sales / Variable Ops (Management)

Sales managers run their own business much like a franchise. Do they act like it? Do they realize that that is their situation? Better yet, they have all of the tools needed to run a business, but don't have to pay for any of them. Now more than ever it is time to change the perspective because we are now faced with dealing with the most empowered (entitled) generation of salespeople in the history of the industry. Managers need to both realize they are in control and that they are going to have to radically reassess their management style in order to appeal to this generation. There's no avoiding this reality, and the question is who is going to be ready, and who is not.

Primary Learning Objectives:

  • Learn why now than ever it is time for sales managers to realize that they are effectively in charge of running their own business. 
  • Learn the communication and management approaches that are vital for the next generation of your sales force.
  • Understand and utilize the available tools at your dealership to capitalize on your strengths and help with your deficiencies.