Digital Dealer Conference & Expo 26

Bridging Your Sales & Marketing Together: The Simple Concept You're Ignoring That Limits Success (Room W204A)

09 Apr 19
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Tracks: Dealer Ops & Management – ALL, Dealer Ops & Management (Customer Experience), Dealer Ops & Management (Leadership), Marketing & Advertising - ALL, Marketing & Advertising (Traditional), Sales / Variable Ops (ALL), Sales / Variable Ops (Management)

At the end of every month, we put quite an emphasis on every task and every penny spent that it often feels like we're constantly REactive to our marketing and sales initiatives. In this session, Subi Ghosh presents a PROactive concept that she utilized in her dealership to create a holistic strategy solving her concerns of siloed departments and marketing messaging. By bridging departments, breaking silos, creating and deploying integrated messaging, and looking at the dealership's overall customer experience holistically, you too can elevate your team's sales potential. Subi will share her experience, guide you in how to effectively asses and diagnose your dealership's needs, and provide you a roadmap to solving these micro and macro needs that are limiting your sales potential.

Primary Learning Objectives: 
  • Discover why and how to bridge departments and break silos.
  • Cultivate a plan to create an integrated holistic strategy for both internal success and external sales.
  • Learn how to hold your team accountable to an integrated strategy and a customer experience that mirrors your messaging.