Digital Dealer Conference & Expo 26

Your CRM Sucks: A Dealer's Guide on How to Unleash Your CRM's Potential (Room W204A)

10 Apr 19
10:05 AM - 10:55 AM

Tracks: Sales / Variable Ops (ALL), Sales / Variable Ops (Customer Experience), Sales / Variable Ops (Lead Handling), Sales / Variable Ops (Management)

Those that attend this workshop will walk away with knowing their CRM does not have to suck, rather it should be the backbone of the dealership to help them sell as many cars as possible. Attendees will be asked hard questions on their current CRM methodology and implementation to help them think through their why. Many times, the dealerships process has eroded over time, and there is no why behind what they are doing, rather they are just allowing the CRM to be a digital paperweight. Just sitting there doing nothing.

During this session, you’ll learn how to see if your CRM’s processes are set up properly, diagnose any issues at hand, and learn how to implement processes, procedures, and workflows that are relevant for today’s customer. You'll walk away with actionable data, templates, workflows, and processes that you can implement upon returning to your dealership.

Primary Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the reason a CRM exists and why they are a common source of frustration. Understand that CRM processes and tasks can and should be more than just busy work; they should be a guide on how to connect with consumers, sell more cars, and create a better customer experience.
  • Challenge the current status quo of your utilization, or lack thereof, of your CRM. You must understand the 'why' behind your feelings about your CRM. Then, by understanding that 'why,' you can start to diagnose the current issues with your CRM.
  • Gain the actual processes, templates, scripts, and action items that you can take back to your dealership and implement immediately, regardless of which CRM you use.