Digital Dealer Conference & Expo 26

Winning Digital Retailing Strategies -- Facilitate Online Car-Buying and Meet Customer Expectations, Without Losing Profits or Control of the Sales Process (Room W203C)

09 Apr 19
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM

Tracks: Sales / Variable Ops (ALL), Sales / Variable Ops (Digital Retailing), Sales / Variable Ops (Management)

Digital retailing is not a revolution; it’s the next step in the natural evolution of car sales. More than 80 percent of consumers want to complete one or more steps of the vehicle purchase process online. How can dealerships meet these expectations without losing profits or control of the sales process?

This session will review the current state of digital retailing and consumer expectations, including why people want to purchase online and what they expect from your dealership during the process. Bill will address the most common concerns from dealerships and makes a case for why dealers should embrace digital retailing sooner rather than later. He’ll guide you through how to adapt internal sales processes without losing profits or control.

Finally, Bill will share practical advice on how to prepare your dealership for digital retailing; including changes in staff roles and responsibilities, technology considerations, promoting your solution and a digital retailing checklist.

Primary Learning Objectives:

  • Adapt internal processes for digital retailing while retaining control of the sales process.
  • Adjust staff roles and responsibilities to facilitate the online car-buying process and meet customer expectations.
  • Promote your digital retailing solution to drive more customers to your site.