2019 NY NOW® Winter


Sessions (3)

2019 Buying Budgets: Learn, Review, Adjust and Verify (Room 1A03)

03 Feb 19
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Retail Makeover

OTT, Open To Thrive. Barbara will introduce you to this powerful, full-proof system. This will help you set buying budgets you can stick to and aff... More...

2019 Sales Plans: Learn, Review, Adjust and Verify (Room 1A03)

03 Feb 19
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Retail Makeover

You will learn what financial reports to look at, how often and what they can tell you about your business.   Operational reports are the... More...

2019 Marketing Plans: Learn, Review, Adjust and Verify (Room 1A05)

04 Feb 19
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Retail Makeover

You will learn about the importance of customer data and how customer insights must shape your marketing. Barbara Crowhurst will direct you to who ... More...