2019 NSC Congress & Expo

23 - Assessing and Addressing Risk Tolerance in the Workplace (Room 29C)

09 Sep 19
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Mgmt. Ldrship., Empl. Engmt. & Cltr.

In the past, we believed workers didn’t recognize the hazards in the workplace, and our safety programs focused on safety awareness. When we look at risk tolerance, we find that individuals may properly identify the hazards, but accept the risk and proceed with the task anyway. This session will provide an understanding of why an individual’s risk tolerance drives behavior that can lead to injuries. We’ll discuss thought patterns and beliefs that lead to risk-tolerant behavior, identifiable categories of risk tolerance that may be present in your workforce, and a case study of how an understanding of risk tolerance was used to establish a new office in a highly risk-tolerant part of the world.