2019 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Writing a Winning Grant Proposal (Room 3D)

22 Feb 19
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This training session will dissect the framework of a grant proposal to give the attendee a better understanding of the components that are necessary when composing an award-winning proposal.  Grant proposal writing is a highly competitive process in which we compete with other agencies seeking the same funding dollars. We are also competing with the clock to construct a high-quality proposal in a small amount of time. Grant proposal writing is not especially difficult, but one should know the terminology and standards by which proposals will be reviewed and judged.  Grant proposal writing is approximately 90% technical writing and 10% creative writing. But, in a sense it’s all technical writing with creative ways of expressing important points that are appropriately injected into the presentation of ideas. We need to paint that picture for the reviewer to see and understand our need just as you would verbalize your emergency scene size-up to present that picture to other responding resources.  At the conclusion of this program the attendees will recognize the anatomy of the grant proposal necessary to the successful process.