2019 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Buddy to Boss - 8 Hour Teaser (Room 4D)

Whether you’re a new officer or in need of a mentor, From Buddy to Boss: Effective Fire Service Leadership is a must-have LEADERSHIP PROGRAM you will turn to over and over again. Fire service veteran Chase Sargent has taken his popular course and written a no-holds-barred leadership book and seminar for the fire service in a conversational and easy-to-read style. He tells you how to accept and survive politics, deal with the fringe employees, and keep your cool -- tricks of the trade that usually take years to acquire. This seminar provides boundless information regardless of your rank. It’s fun, street oriented, interactive, logical and addresses real world issues that you will recognize.  If you are a 20-year veteran, a newly promoted officer or an aspiring officer, I guarantee this will make you re-think how you and the organization does business.  It will alert you to career ending pitfalls and mistakes and in the end make you a better leader, with management skills, not a manager. It is interactive, fun, interesting, challenging, soul searching and career changing.  Ask anyone who has attended one of these programs and they will tell you it’s the best program they have ever been to!  We will cover this and more!!