NTI Trade Show 2018

C/SC Group Opening Session (Room Rackham Auditorium)

29 Jul 18
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: C Group

Implicit Bias: What is it, and Why does it Matter?– Dr. Marc De Simone

Almost all people, even well-intentioned people have biases of one kind or another. We will discuss various biases. In this session, we will explore what social science research teaches us about “implicit bias,” and its impact on fair and impartial human interactions.  We will attempt to recognize our unconscious biases, so we can implement unbiased behavior resulting in Fair and Impartial Customer Service!  People trained in fair and impartial interactions are more likely to be effective at responding to dealing with others and handling conflict and enhance/promote trust on the part of the people they serve.