F&B LA 2018

*The CoffeePreneur One-Day Intensive (Room 406A)

20 Aug 18
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Business Operations (CF)

How successful entrepreneurs in the coffee industry are winning every day by using sustainable success strategies. At the Coffee-Preneur, we know that you want to be a wildly successful coffee business owner. In order to do that, you need to GROW YOUR BUSINESS! The problem is that you lack relevant, up to date knowledge, and you have no support from the industry, which makes you feel insecure, overwhelmed and leaves you doubting whether this business is really for you. We believe that every coffee business deserves the tools to succeed. We understand how hard it is to scale your business which is why we have brought together people with over 50 years of combined relevant industry knowledge that we want to share with you. This is not philosophy, these are real tools that you can take back to your shop and implement immediately. Here is how we do it: We guide you through 1. Hiring & Training the Right People. 2. Branding & Culture Development. 3. Leadership & Management Strategy. 4. Profitability & Financial Management of Your Business. So, REGISTER NOW for the Coffee-Preneur One-Day Intensive so you can stop treading water and start seeing EXPLOSIVE SUCCESS!!!