2019 Artisan Bakery Expo

Lifestyle Choice, Farmers Market Style (Room N119)

06 Mar 19
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

The nature of this presentation is to discuss a lifestyle choice, that being the farmers market style. 

What it takes to be a solo bread baker and bake well over 300 pieces for a farmer’s market once a week on Friday’s in Sonoma, California and perform live fire theater for private functions with my mobile wood fired oven, and teach bread making in the US and abroad!

A day in the life of me baking, depends on the day but there is always something needing to be done, some days more baking related then others. For the Friday market I start on Wednesday afternoon around 2 pm and finish Friday at 2pm.  Private functions usually happen on Saturday or Sundays and teaching can be any days when traveling.