2019 Artisan Bakery Expo

Business Planning for Profits and Growth (Room N120)

05 Mar 19
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Having a great product doesn't always lead to success in the marketplace and being an accomplished baker doesn't automatically translate into growing a profitable business. A business plan can help aspiring bakery owners find success and current bakery owners reach the next level in the expanding market for artisan baked goods. 

In this nuts-and-bolts introduction to business planning, we'll explore the seven Ps of successful business planning – Product, Production, Population, Positioning, Promotion, Pricing and Profitability. We'll look at the structure of a successful business plan and touch on the key elements of the POIM principle – Planning, Organization, Implementation and Measurement.

This is a presentation geared to business owners at all levels, from novice to seasoned pro, taught by Stanley Ginsberg, former Forbes writer, investment banker and Certified Financial PlannerSM, and current Chair of the Bread Bakers Guild of America. Don't miss it!