Construction Super Conference 2018

S25 Advancing Women in Construction Law and Consulting: Experts Say "It's All About Culture", but What Exactly Does that Mean? (Room Encore Ballroom 5)

12 Dec 18
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Tracks: Business, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Digital Decorating, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery, Screen Printing, Screen Printing, Screen Printing, Screen Printing, Screen Printing

Businesses of all types have been searching for the Rosetta Stone that unlocks the secret to advancing women, but only one conclusion is clear – there is no Rosetta Stone.  Instead, experts suggest that businesses focus on the culture of their organization, recognizing that each individual must work through a challenging array of variables when deciding what is best for their careers, and must do so with their employer.  

So, what exactly does "culture" mean?  What should that culture be?  What are the issues that an appropriate culture will address?  How does that culture respond?   What are the specific benefits and elements of a successful culture?  And are there areas that even a strong culture cannot address?

A leading professor who has researched the careers of women, including professionals, will offer insights drawn from her analysis of why she has concluded that "culture" is the closest we have come to finding the Rosetta Stone.  

Moderated by a leading construction consultant and the Chair of a leading Construction Law firm, a panel of professionals whose careers have taken differing directions will offer their insights on the importance of "Culture".

Upon completion of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Consider whether there is a “secret” to advancing women in construction law and consulting, or if cultural adjustments are the answer.
  • Explore the role of individuals in defining success in their own terms and determining their own level of advancement, along with what organizations can do to facilitate the professional development of women.
  • Evaluate how issues outside of a firm’s control contribute to the success of women and how to partner with clients and other organizations in order to realize change.