NWCDC 2018

IT6 | AI-as-a-Tool in the Insurance Industry (Room Expo Booth 6031)

06 Dec 18
12:20 PM - 12:40 PM

Tracks: Innovation Theater Talk

All AI deployments are not created equal. AI for the sake of AI will typically result in inefficacy and frustration. What insurers should be thinking about is AI-as-a-Tool. This approach, designed to empower people, requires a different way of thinking about and building and deploying AI-based solutions. Insurers and their customers don't want a black box solution that produces a binary result. “Computer says no” is simply not a valid option.

This session will:

  • Help insurers see how AI-as-a-Tool can provide powerful decision support capabilities to their human fraud and claims handlers
  • Illustrate the power of solutions that deliver an evaluation together with a coherent explanation and supporting evidence
  • Showcase specifically for fraud detection in the insurance industry, how this kind of approach enables fraud specialists to take over from the AI and carry out the investigation with all the right information at hand