Flavorcon 2018

A Sweet Outlook on Bioproduction of High-Value Targeted Ingredients (Room Avalon 1-4)

15 Nov 18
9:20 AM - 9:50 AM

Tracks: Conference Session

For millennia, people have used fermentation for food, flavor, and enjoyment. Fermentation still offers a path to ingredients with significant value for food and beverage manufacturers and the global consumer. Yet there are limits in what can be produced via fermentation, even as the demand for innovative ingredients becomes greater than ever before. Fortunately, new and emerging technologies will soon unlock a limitless library of natural ingredients via next-generation fermentation. In the next few years, the advent of "bioproduction" will disrupt the way high-value ingredients are sourced by altering the landscape of cost and availability, while at the same time satisfying consumer demands to return to purity and sustainability in product manufacturing. Current and future applications of bioproduction will be discussed, and several case studies will be presented that illustrate the impact already being felt in the food and beverage space.