Federal Dispute Resolution 2018

EEO1 | Sexual Harassment Allegations: Promote Healthy Dissent in Your Agency (Room Sago)

14 Aug 18
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: EEO – Equal Employment Opportunity

Every day, it seems, there is another news source reporting sexual harassment allegations from years ago. Meanwhile, many agency climate surveys indicate higher than desired incidents of unreported discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment. Why don’t employees use existing processes to report these concerns? Why do victims wait, sometimes for years, to give voice to their experiences? This session will focus on what you can learn about dissent in your agency, whether it be withheld, stifled or expressed through a range of complaint processes from EEO to whistleblower complaints. Ms. Hanson will shed light on the health of upward channels of communication and what you can do to promote better mechanisms for healthy dissent in your agency.