2018 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Building Construction for Today’s Fire Service (Room 1C)

Today’s buildings and occupancies present increasing challenges that have redefined strategic and tactical fireground operations and impact these operations on a wide variety of levels that often include adverse compartment fire conditions, structural compromise, collapse and predicable building performance. Presenting insights on building construction for today’s fire service, the primary objective of this program is to increase awareness and understandings and promote new skill sets in the fundamentals of building construction, architecture, engineering and design that directly impact firefighting operations at structure fires. Five fundamental areas integrating building and construction methodologies will be threaded throughout the program related to construction systems; occupancy risks; collapse and compromise characteristics; methods and materials; and fire dynamics related to building anatomy. Vintage and intrinsic building and occupancy characteristics, comprehensive case studies, history repeating events, research findings and emerging fire suppression theory will be also be discussed.