2018 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Leadership Logic: Overcome Challenges and Gain Respect (Room 1C)

21 Feb 18
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Leadership and Managment

This course will facilitate an interactive group led discussion about the challenges that newly promoted and aspiring company officer’s face during the transition of moving from the jump seat to the front seat. The view from the front seat offers quite a different perspective as it did from the jump seat. As an officer you are now responsible for not only your own safety but those who work with you. You will be forced to make decisions based on your experience and tenure while maintaining the mission and value of your respective organization. While many departments and promotional process deal with the tactical portion of the job, this class will primarily focus on the interpersonal skills and challenges associated with being an officer. This class will help equip you with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to overcome the challenges you will face as a new officer. Utilizing examples from movie clips, the class will participate in a group led discussion on the leadership topics and principles presented. This class is an entertaining and effective way to stimulate critical thinking and decision making on the fire ground and in the fire station.