2018 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Fireground Leadership for Command and Company Officers 2018 (Room 1A)

This program will provide insights into emerging concepts and methodologies related to today’s unique challenges for combat structural fire engagement requiring new strategic, tactical and operational modeling due to rapid fire behavior, building construction and occupancy risk. The need for new training and operational requirements for firefighters, company and command officers will become prevalent. Fireground leadership has many forms and layers used to identify the mission critical elements required today to meet tomorrow’s incident responses and demands that will directly influence operational success. Fire chiefs, officers and firefighters operating at structure fires must have an understanding of the building, the compartment and the fire company member’s skills; knowledge and abilities to effectively integrate and mitigate an incident that integrates safe and aggressive firefighting; and predictive risk management and tactical discipline associated with three primary areas associated with the building, compartment, and company for operational excellence