FETC 2018

The Big Picture: Matching Technology to Essential Learning Targets (Room Bayhill 17)

25 Jan 18
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Special Education

Strategically selected, education technology can be the tool to help students with disabilities overcome a host of challenges. This includes displaying digital literacy skills, high-level thinking and collaborative problem-solving that today’s rigorous state standards require. This is particularly paramount now that the U.S. Supreme Court has emphasized the need for educational programs that are appropriately ambitious. In this BYOD workshop, Mary Schillinger will provide guidelines to help all IEP team members — assistive technology staff, special and general educators, and administrators — align IEP goals and services to students’ digital needs. She will help you select technology tools that provide all students access to core standards, offer an overview of technology tools that enhance core instructional concepts, and identify strategies to match technology to essential learning targets. You’ll receive technology rubrics and suggested tools, plus guidelines for practitioners, administrators, speech/language clinicians, and special and general educators.