HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

Beyond HR Data: Using HR Analytics to Enhance Engagement, Performance and Productivity (Room Venetian Ballroom I)

12 Oct 17
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Analytics

Like many organizations, Royal London collects a vast amount of data about its business and its people. However, none of these sets of data had been paired together to explore the potential relationships of this data and the true drivers of business results. To make better informed business decisions, Royal London started a journey to explore insights across different data sources, looking at three key measures to gather tangible insights: employee engagement, performance and productivity. New technology that provided HR leaders with new approaches and capabilities was key to improving these three critical areas, by using talent analytics on any source of workforce data. Royal London can now discover new areas to explore for better decision-making, using patterns and relationships in the data that surface automatically as visualizations with the option to explore alternative paths. Find out how Royal London’s journey ultimately led to greater understanding of its talent and productivity data, and how you can get to the same place.