HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

Finding, Supporting and Developing the Next Generation of Women Technology Leaders (Room Venetian Ballroom I)

Many of the challenges facing women in their technology careers are attributed to the candidate funnel, inadequate professional development opportunities, hiring for “cultural fit” and other similar circumstances that lead organizations to simply reinforce existing imbalances. While not the only issues that face women in their technology careers, they are important ones, and ones often “owned” by HR. Hear from both senior HR executives as well as women who are in the early stages of their technology career on how these organizations have made specific, repeatable and successful efforts to recruit, develop, support and retain women in technology roles. You’ll learn how these programs are structured, how they are executed and the impact they are having. You’ll gain ideas on how you can improve or create your own programs and processes to help you get more women and other under-represented groups into your organization.