HRE Health & Benefits Leadership Conference 2018

FS1 | Live Long and Prosper: Addressing the Realities of Longevity in Today’s Workplace (Room Starvine 12 - 13)

Life expectancy continues to increase, but what does that mean for employee benefits? Helping employees become retirement ready is already a top concern for employers as an alarming number of Americans are not financially stable to retire by age 65. Employers now have a new — and unexpected — challenge to tackle: How to help employees finance their longer lifespans. With five generations in the workforce, financial-wellness strategies need to adapt to keep up with improving life expectancies. Megan Yost will share her insight on how employers can get ahead of the unintended consequences of living longer, while Kerstin Aiello, Beth Ewing and Michelle Ryan will detail the steps their organizations are taking to bring this about.