DISTRIBUTECH International 2020

UU 304: Demystifying Grid Modernization: Practical Steps to Systematically Become a Future-enabled Utility (Room 217C)

Click here to register for a Utility University course.
The purpose of this course is to provide actionable guidance to all levels of grid practitioners (i.e., leadership, management, staff) that are seeking to bolster their grid modernization deployment efforts.  Attendees will gain a more robust understanding of the primary components associated with grid modernization, how to align and consider these components in light of a strategic framework, and how to apply them within a specific utility context.  The course will provide an environment for robust exploration of various grid modernization frameworks and utility case studies via facilitated and peer-to-peer discussions. 

Attendees will learn:

  • To define and classify grid modernization in terms of a continuum of related activities
  • To explore methods of transforming grid modernization from an abstract, overwhelming concept to a proactive utility mindset with strategic goals, business methods, and implementation practices
  • To acquire a holistic view of grid modernization and apply strategic frameworks to methodically sequence activities according to a defined and utility-specific time sequence
  • To gain broad industry perspective through a facilitated conversation with a leading energy consulting firm and three grid modernization leaders from across the U.S. (a western IOU, Midwest cooperatives, and a Southeastern municipal)

Knowledge, skills and/or capabilities that attendees should acquire through this course:

  • The course will consist of three primary components that will involve group discussion and reflection: 1) Perspective, 2) Analysis & Synthesis, 3) Application:

Who should attend this course: 

  • Electric utilities (Investor-owned, municipals, and cooperatives)
  • For utility grid practitioners of all levels (leadership, management, staff)
  • Multiple business units associated with Grid Modernization efforts

Prerequisite skills, knowledge, certifications: None