DISTRIBUTECH International 2020

UU 207: The Future of Outage Management Systems (#D0150) (Room 213B)

**Evaluate this course. **

The future of outage management systems (OMS) is exciting and dynamic. Across the industry, changes are driving utilities and vendors to new levels of outage optimization. This includes new approaches to outage predictions, the use of social media, and cloud and data analytics. In this interactive course, students will learn the basics of OMS, greater reliability improving distribution management system (DMS) functions, and how this is integrated with enterprise systems including advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). The course covers emerging capabilities of OMS such as the use of social media for outage analysis and communications, mobile devices, damage assessment, data standardization, data analytics and integrated DMS. The course is instructed by experts who provide use case examples of emerging technology. A comprehensive case study will be presented to facilitate the learning experience, as well as provide real-world proof of how OMS technologies are changing.

Who should attend this course?

  • Utility distribution operations personnel
  • Social media and corporate communications managers
  • Utility outage management systems users
  • Utility personnel involved in OMS procurement and implementation
  • OMS product and service providers