2016 Global Identity Summit

National Defense: Workshop(s) (Room :)

20 Sep 16
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Tracks: : Application Communities, : Application Communities, : Application Communities

There are two workshops on National Defense topics in Biometrics during this time period. The first workshop will address how DoD is sharing biometrics data with international partners. The intent of this workshop is to enhance the participants understanding of DoD's current practices and future direction for data sharing between nations and other agencies. This workshop will be held in Conference Room 5. The second workshop is a discussion of the DoD 30 Year Science and Technology (S&T) Roadmap for biometrics capture and back-end matching. The intent of this workshop will be to provide a forum for the open exchange of ideas between the government S&T team, and other stakeholders (e.g., other government users of biometrics, academia, and industry representatives). The objective of this workshop is to enable the S&T resources across the various stakeholder parties to better understand the activities that are ongoing outside of their respective organizations.