2017 Internet Retailer Conference & Expo

People-Power Your Website to Fuel Conversion (Room Ballroom D)

07 Jun 17
1:45 PM - 2:15 PM

Tracks: Omnichannel Leadership

Conversion? Store associates do it best. Traffic? Websites draw the masses. Put them together so humans assist online shoppers and that’s making the most of digital and physical assets. Hear how Saks created and coached omnichannel sales associates to personalize the shopping experience online, yielding a trifecta of dividends: improved shopper loyalty, retention of sales talent and ROI on the underlying technology investment that pulls it all together. Our speaker from Saks will detail the process of connecting sales associates to online shoppers via chat, email and in-person appointments and what it took to overcome the expected challenges of blending previously siloed channels. We’ll learn how a finite sales force can provide service effectively to millions of shoppers.