NECA 2016 Safety Professionals Conference

Opening General Sesion (Room Regency Ballroom)

Welcome and Opening Remarks                                               Wesley Wheeler  
Remarks from NECA's Vice President and COO                    Daniel Walter      
Welcome to Indianapolis                                                             Chamber of Commerce

Employer and Employee Responsibilities                         Michael Johnston, NECA and David Mullen, IBEW

Keynote:  “I Ought to be Dead, Staying Safe, Living Dangerously”     Scott Margolin, Westex by Milliken

Our Keynote Speaker, you may know him as the voice of Westex Videos but he also does some pretty unusual and dangerous things for recreation, such as shark diving (including Great Whites), mountain climbing, extreme African wilderness hiking and canoeing, scuba, bungee jumping, driving race cars, etc.  He's been charged by sharks, elephants, crocs and hippos, interacted with lions on foot and wild sharks in the open ocean without a cage, repelled into glacier crevasses, jumped off bridges and cranes, and more.  So far he has emerged (mostly) intact, and will share stories about how such things can be done safely, as well as what happens when despite the best preparation, things do go wrong. 

Scott will candidly discuss how and why trouble arose where it did, what saved such situations from turning deadly, and how it all relates to electrical safety, using highlights, photos and video from the events.