NECA 2016 Safety Professionals Conference


Daniel Walter

Daniel Walter

Dan Walter is Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). He supervises numerous program areas, including standards and safety, communications, marketing, government affairs, the NECA Convention and Trade Show, NECA Safety Professionals Conference, Association Executives Institute (AEI) and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR magazine. Walter started his career with NECA in 1975 as a staff associate assigned to the Midwestern Region. He spent 10 years as manager of the Quad Cities Chapter, NECA, before coming to NECA headquarters to replace the venerable Bob Wilkinson as Director of Services. He is also the President of the Associated Specialty Contractors (ASC). ASC is an umbrella organization of nine national construction trade associations. ASC publishes Guidelines for a Successful Construction Project in conjunction with the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) and the American Subcontractors Association (ASA. Walter also represents NECA on many construction industry committees and forums. A business school graduate of Penn State University, Walter attends most of his alma mater’s home football games. He and his wife Doris live in Maryland.

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