Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference 2016

Traffic Incident Safety Management Course (Room 2B)

24 Feb 16
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Three injury crashes occur every minute in the United States, putting incident responders in harm's way every day. Well trained responders help improve traffic incident response and improved incident response improves the safety of responders and the public, while reducing secondary crashes, decreasing traffic delays and reduce incident response times. This program was created by responders for responders and provides first responders a shared understanding of the requirements for safe, quick clearance of traffic incident scenes; prompt, reliable and open communication; and motorist and responder safeguards. This training covers traffic incident management fundamentals and terminology; notification and scene size-up; safe vehicle positioning; scene safety; command responsibilities; traffic management; special circumstances; clearance and termination; and telecommunications. This is a certification course.